Saturday: 8am – 12 noon (Doctors work a rotating roster)
Sunday: 9am-11am
Public Holidays: 9am-11am
We are open EVERY DAY of the year. On Sundays and ALL public holidays we will run a short clinic from 9-11am.
We are an accredited practice by AGPAL.
We know your time is just as important as ours, and we do try to run on time. However General Practice is full of unexpected emergencies and problems which may be more complicated than they first seem. These emergencies and urgent matters can result in unavoidable delays. We hope you understand that if we run late, it’s because we are devoting as much time as necessary, as we would for you.
Please notify the receptionists well in advance if unable to attend an appointment because we can reschedule it for use by another patient.
If you or a family member requires an interpreter service, we can organise this for you. Please let us know when you make an appointment.
If you are a patient of our practice, and need a doctor after hours: ring our 24-hour number, 9509 4488
If you have an emergency, a doctor is always available to you, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Fees are payable at the time of the consultation.
Updated from 24th Oct 2024
Type | Fee | GAP |
Standard consultation (15 mins) | $100 | $57.15 |
Long consultation (15-30 mins) | $166 | $83.10 |
Pensioners with pension card | $68 | $25.15 |
Sundays and public holidays | $135 (No bulk billing or Discounted Rates) |
$79.20 |
Please note that any Procedures may incur an additional fee.
Referral & Prescription Requests – Outside of a consultation time will incur a $23 fee.
All Veterans Affairs Gold Card holders will continue to be bulk billed.
If any patient is experiencing financial hardship they are welcome to discuss this with their doctor.
With accounts payable on the date we can arrange for the Medicare rebate to be transmitted back into your account within 48 hours.
You must have your bank details registered with Medicare.
All Veteran Affair card holders will be asked to sign a voucher.
If you require any investigations or procedures during your consultation, the doctor will make you aware of any costs you may occur.
If referred to a specialist, you will need to ask the specialist’s rooms about their fee structure.
Our wide range of medical services covers your acute and chronic medical needs. These include family medicine, general check-ups, preventative medicine, family planning, pap smears, pregnancy tests, obstetrics – shared care, counselling, vaccinations (includes yellow fever vaccines) and immunisations, travel medicine, repair of minor lacerations, treatment of simple fractures, removal of simple moles and sunspots, liquid nitrogen therapy for sun spots and warts, nutritional advice, Workcover problems, transport accident problems, sports medicine, skin checks and insurance medicals.
Nursing home visits and home visits may be organised.
If it is impossible for you to attend the surgery because of severe illness, please telephone us as soon as possible after 8am to arrange a doctor home visit. We will do our best to send a doctor from the surgery, but in some cases our locum service will be contacted.
Doctors from this practice regularly visit nursing homes and hospitals in the area.
If you do have results requiring urgent action or attention a doctor or nurse will contact you immediately.
Please call the practice and ask to speak to the nurse regarding your results between 9 and 9.30am. If the nurse is not available, they will call you back as soon as possible.
We will then forward a medical summary to your new doctor to help maintain continuity of care. If you require your whole history to be transferred, this will be done under the Health Records Act.
A fee may be charged for this service.
We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. We also welcome positive feedback. However, if you wish to take the matter further and need to discuss the matter outside of the surgery you can contact the Health Service Commission in Victoria on Toll free 1800 136 066 or 8601 5200.
Wynlorel General Practice complies with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic), and has developed a Privacy Policy that controls its handling of personal information.
Our Privacy Policy covers :
- What personal information is being collected.
- Who is collecting personal information.
- How personal information is used.
- To whom and under what circumstances personal information is disclosed.
- How personal information is stored.
In most circumstances, Wynlorel General Practice :
- Will only collect personal information about you with your consent unless it is legally required or authorised to do otherwise.
- Will collect your personal information directly from you where this is practical and possible.
- Will only collect personal information about you that is necessary and relevant to the purpose for which it is collected.
- Will only use your personal information for the purpose for which it is collected or for a directly related secondary purpose that you could reasonably expect your personal information to be used for (unless legally required or authorised to do otherwise).
- Will provide you with access to your personal information unless legally required or authorised to deny such access. An administration fee may be charged to process your request.
- Will only disclose your personal information to a third party with your consent, or where you could reasonably expect such disclosure, or where we are legally required or authorised to do so.
- Will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information complete, current and accurate.
- Will take reasonable steps to ensure personal information about you is kept secure.
Your rights:
- You can request access to the personal information about you that we keep on record.
- If you believe that any personal information about you is incorrect or out of date, you are entitled to ask us to correct it.
- No fee is charged for requesting access to personal information about you we may have on record. However, we may charge you a reasonable cost for processing your request.
For further information about our Private Policy please ask to speak to our Privacy Officer.
Name of Privacy Officer: Eva Roussos
Telephone: 9509 4488
This Privacy Statement template is based on a template developed by the Alliance of New South Wales Divisions of General Practice through reference to the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s web site Privacy Statement. Subsequently the template has been reviewed with reference to the Health Policy Principles of the Health Records Act 2001 (Victoria) by Southcity GP Services.